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As a background in Engineering Physics and Systems Development I bring the technology aspects to the world of Pharmacovigilance (basically the art of monitoring safety of medicinal products after they have been released on the market).

I am devoted to data openness, re-use and linkage of disparate data sources, making the sum greater than the individual parts alone.

I am also devoted to the use of common standards, dictionaries and terminologies which are all requirements in streamlining the information collection that is vital for monitoring the safety of medicinal products.  

The picture along this text and in some other places on the site is a symbol of linked data and data exchange but it also contains an embedded "W". The "W" refers to Wallberg and not Cassiopeia as some readers might think.



Linked Open Data

Improve drug development and ensure safer patients using the collected wisdom from the PV society.


Uppsala University

Master of Science in Engineering Physics at the Mathematical Department. 


In order to share data, harmonization of data standards and terminologies are crucial.

ICSR reporting

Reporting of Adverse Events are crucial in post marketing drug surveillance. Bringing the possibility to report to the individuals in a simple and accessible way must be of highest priority.

1996 - 1997

Freie Universität Berlin

Informatics and German language



Linked Data Engineering

Magnus Wallberg

Uppsala Monitoring Centre

© 2017 by Magnus Wallberg

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